September 2023 – we asked Guild Members to tell us what wheels and spindles they had. 25 members of a total of 40 members responded. Here are some summaries:

WHEELS: the Lendrum Double Treadle was most represented (10), although if all the Ashford types are added together, there are 20, and the Schacht Matchless and Ladybug together total 10 as well. Not included in the chart: These 25 members own 7 Charkhas.

SPINDLES: The number of spindles individuals own vary from none (yes! we have at least one member with none) to over 50. Amusingly, many of us didn’t know exactly how many spindles we owned, and answered the question “How many spindles to you own?” with answers like “…quite a few, not sure of the number…” However, taking these estimates in mind, the average is around 10 spindles per person, with all types of spindles represented – drop, supported, Turkish, Navajo, Russian, takhli, etc.

E-WHEELS: Of the 25 respondents, 18 declared that they had at least one e-wheel. The 25 individuals own from 1 to 4 e-wheels, for a total of 35 e-wheels. Hansens, Ashfords, some homemade, Nanos, Eel Electrics, EEW6s, and a Spin-Tech were on the lists.